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Relevant, Upcoming Trips & Updates

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The Path of the Righteous.
Written by: Michael Johnson

We are so excited to announce that Mike's book has been published and released! You can get your copy or ebook on Amazon today! 


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


October 23-31, 2024

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Empowering Through Equipping & Training 

Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Join Frontline Ministries in our mission to empower and equip worldwide. With leadership outreach to Kuala Lumpur coming Oct. 2024, we are expanding our reach and impact. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope to those in need. Your support enables us to provide essential ministry and create lasting change in the world.

Greetings to you and your family.  We are well and are continuing to receive good reports from pastors and leaders who attended the Nakuru, Kenya conference a few weeks ago.  The conference coordinator, pastor Shem, is asking us to return next year so we can do more leadership conferences in other areas of Kenya.  We are praying about this opportunity and hope it works out.

I am now booked for flights to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for October 23-31.   Curtis Baker of Visionaries International will leave the States before me and will be doing ministry events in Singapore.  He plans on joining me in Malaysia.  This will be my second visit to Kuala Lumpur.  It has been over 10 years since I have ministered there.  Our host and coordinator of our outreach is pastor Raymond Yap.  He is the founder and lead pastor of a large church with over 1,000 in attendance each Sunday.  The congregation is primarily made up of refugees from their neighbor to the north, Myanmar. (formerly Burma) Pastor Yap has established several other churches in the Kuala Lumpur area as well as orphanages and Bible training centers.  Due to the civil war in Myanmar, these are largely made up of refugees who have fled from that nation.  Pastor Yap has invited me to speak at his two main services on Sunday, October 27.  Curtis and I are also planning to conduct leadership conferences and Youth ministry while in the area.  This is the last overseas outreach trip I have planned for 2024. 

Part of the funds for this outreach have already been received.  There is a remaining need of $2500 for airfare and conference expenses.  In Kenya, the appeal for funds was met.  The generosity of you and others also made it possible for me to give pastor Shem a $500 donation to help with his expenses and travels.  Thank you for sowing into this event and helping the needs to be met.   I was able to bring my new book,

The Path of the Righteous, with me and gifted  20 copies to some key pastors. All donations should be made out to “FMI” and are tax deductible.  Please keep this outreach in your prayers.

In God’s Love,


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We're Home and Thank You

The Nakuru Leadership Conference in Kenya, Africa was a blessed and memorable event.  I have just returned from the 21-hour flight from Nairobi to Houston.  With God’s help, I delivered the Sunday morning message after driving home from Houston and arriving at my front door at 10 pm.  Being greeted by Cheryl made it all worthwhile.

In Nairobi, we ministered in three separate churches in the area. (Jack Adams, Curtis Baker, and I)  I spoke at the Hatley’s church on their compound and enjoyed the congregation’s hunger and receptivity to the Word of God.  We drove four hours to Nakura on Tuesday and began the conference on Wednesday morning.  Over 500 pastors and Christian leaders were in attendance.  They came from Sudan, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, and various parts of Kenya for the event.  The theme was “Arise, Shine, for Your Light Has Come”.  There was a special anointing upon the services and many spiritual breakthroughs were experienced among the people.  Most of the messages were aimed at building up, instructing, and edifying those in leadership.  We also ministered in the realm of breaking curses, praying for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and healing.  Another group had reserved the indoor auditorium we were originally supposed to meet in.  This caused us to have to erect large tents and use plastic chairs in a semi-open-air atmosphere in a field.   By the grace of God, it didn’t rain in the daytime and the wind was light.  We were joined by a “Global Advance’s” representative in Kenya on Thursday.   He met with many leaders to explain how they could continue with Zoom meetings and teachings after they returned to their homes.    This was the first large, unified conference these “Church On the Rock” pastors had been able to attend since Covid struck a few years ago. 

Thank you for your generous support and prayers as we traveled and ministered.  All flights were smooth and on time and none of us suffered any illness.  We have been invited to return to Kenya in 2025 for more conferences as the leaders have found them to be very edifying and beneficial for them and their teams. 

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