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Dealing with something we thought we had already conquered can be very discouraging.  Just when we think we have overcome anger and frustration with other drivers around us we get cut off in traffic and let some choice words leave our mouths.   Sometimes old habits come back to haunt us or ungodly attitudes resurface.  There is the danger that a major reversal that resurrects the old sinful man can even cause us to question God and His work in our lives.

We need to be reminded that just as we have a God who loves us, we also have an enemy who hates us.   He knows our weaknesses and is an expert at pushing the soulish and fleshly buttons, hopefully bringing out the worst in us.  The question is, how do we recapture our peace when a successful attack takes God’s peace from us?  Israel’s journey from Egypt to the Promised Land gives us some examples of how to recapture our peace.

I Corinthians 10:11,12 tells us, “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.  Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall.”

In Joshua 7 is the account of Israel being defeated in a battle with the people of Ai.  Joshua and the Israelites had just experienced a tremendous victory at Jericho where the walls came tumbling down.  This great city fell with God fighting for Israel.  They had been told that all the plunder belonged to the Lord as a sacrifice to Him.  They were not to take any of it for themselves.  Unfortunately, Achan stole a Babylonian robe, some gold, and some silver.  His disobedience lifted God’s miraculous power and hand off of Israel which resulted in their defeat.  When we find ourselves defeated we can follow the pattern of Joshua to see peace restored. 


The people of Israel were filled with great confidence because of the victory at Jericho.  In Joshua 6:27 it says, “So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country..”  When God is for you, supernatural things will begin to happen through you and around you.  People will take notice and many of them will flatter you.  Proverbs 26:28 says that “a flattering tongue produces ruin”.

The famous evangelist and theologian Charles Spurgeon tells the story of the time he took a young man he was mentoring and showed him the danger of flattery.  He took the young man to a graveyard and gave him nothing but criticism.  The next day he again took him to the graveyard but this time he heaped lots of praise upon him.  The young man was very confused.  The criticism had brought him to his lowest low, the praise built him up and made him extremely proud of himself.  The two trips to the graveyard didn’t make sense.  Charles told him, “When you can be as dead to the criticism and the praise as the people in this graveyard are then you are ready for ministry.”    

Your setback may have come from too much criticism or too much praise.  The fact is there are three voices we can hear:  God’s voice/ our voice/ the enemy’s voice.  Peter heard God’s voice and said “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God”.  A few verses later he hears Satan’s voice and rebukes Jesus for choosing to head for Jerusalem where He will face crucifixion.  Staying close to God will help us discern which voice we are hearing.  When we hear God clearly, He will reveal the source of our setbacks just as He did with Israel in Ai.


It may be a relationship, a boyfriend, a fleshly indulgence, or a negative mindset.  It is true that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.  But we cannot afford to have anything in our life that is under God’s judgment.  We are tempted to think that God’s love for us and great plans for us overrides hidden sin.  The Lord is not out to make our life miserable.  He has come to give us life and life that is more abundant.  Anything He asks us to give up, He is able to give us far more and far better in return.   II Chronicles verifies this, “….the Lord is able to give you much more than this”.


In Joshua7 God tells Joshua to do three things.  This is after He sees that he has fallen on his face after the defeat of Ai.  God commands him to “get up!”/ “Dig it up”/ “Give it to Me”.  When you discern the source of your setback or the thing that has caused you to lose your peace it is time to put these three things into practice.  Get up with the confidence that God is the master of new beginnings.  Dig it up by asking the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal the mystery of what is the source of your peace being robbed.  Once that is accomplished, give it to God.  Lay it at the foot of the cross.  You will find that God is able to give beauty for ashes and the oil of joy for sorrow.  He is the Prince of Peace! 

2 comentários

13 de set.

Welcome reminders during this time of turmoil and frustration. Thank you.


13 de set.

Very good!!

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